Our Response to COVID-19
Keeping our community healthy and safe
In response to the escalating spread of COVID-19, we have made the tough decision to close our clinic doors until social distancing measures have been relaxed, with the exception to our most acute and urgent care patients who need to see us. At this critical moment, the safety of our staff, patients, and families will be our priority.
Acute and Urgent Care Patients
For those who need acute and urgent care, please call us to set up a free consultation with a physiotherapist to determine the best course of action. Let’s all do our part to stay out of the emergency departments of our local hospitals.
- Cambie & 8th: 604-875-6207 email: reception@treloarphysio.com
- Kerrisdale: 604-266-8383 email: tpk@treloarphysio.com
Online Physiotherapy & Tele-Rehabilitation
For patients not requiring urgent care, online physiotherapy is now available to you from our therapists via Online Physiotherapy & Tele-Rehabilitation. We have been working hard to prepare a system where we can still connect with you, do an individual assessment and give you individualised treatment that meets your goals and helps you move forward in this time of self isolation.
Our physiotherapists, kiniesiologists and clinical pilates physios are ready to work with you on the following:
- Musculoskeletal conditions
- Concussions
- Pelvic floor problems
- General exercise programs
Working together we can use this period of self isolation to get healthier and stronger, ready to carry on with our lives and activities once it has passed.
Stay Connected While Self Isolating
Although we are limiting access to the physical space in both our 8th Avenue and our Kerrisdale locations, we want to stay in touch with you, our community. There are many challenges with self-isolation for many people and we want to support you through this time. To join our group, follow us on Instagram and Facebook and become part of our active community.
We will get through this together. If you need support through a phone call, assistance with picking up some groceries or drugs for you, or there is something we can do for you, please let us know. We will do our best to help you.
Until we meet again, please take care of yourselves and your loved ones.
The team at Treloar Physio