I have pain in the back of my right knee when bending/kneeling and putting weight on it. Is this an injury that physio can help with?

My arms fall asleep at night as if the circulation has been cut off. What could be causing this?

I find it so hard to stay motivated to exercise during Vancouver’s fall/winter. It is so cold and wet. Any suggestions on fun ways to break a sweat indoors? I get bored at the gym.

I recently strained my neck and upper back. I have been going to massage therapy and have returned to work on a part time basis (I do gardening/landscaping) but I’m not 100% yet. Wondering if physio would help or is the exercise involved in my line of work enough?

I had a skiing injury, which resulted in a suspected undisplaced transverse fracture of the sacrum. Can physiotherapy help me? I am waiting for a CT scan to confirm.

I sprained my ankle about 10 days ago while out of the country. Not fractured. Now that I am home, how can I maximize recovery? Should I see a physio?

I’ve developed a lack of mobility and pain in my left wrist, that only became apparent when trying to perform push-ups. I am right-handed and have a desk job, and haven’t traumatized the wrist (to the best of my knowledge) to warrant a sudden issue. Would physio be able to diagnose or help correct my issue?

I dislocated my shoulder 4 months ago and haven’t received any care for it or worked out with it since then. I am 22 years old, healthy, and they told me the shoulder wasnt too badly damaged but I still have trouble sleeping with it over my head and sudden movement can cause slight pain and discomfort. I was wondering if it is too late for physio? Have I done myself in by not getting any help earlier?

I’m 18 years old and I have scoliosis. My family doctor wants me to visit a physiotherapist regarding the pain I have in my lower back. I’m not very familiar with physiotherapy so I wanted to know a little bit more about it and what would I be expecting and how treatment would work.

I have a sore elbow that seems to be getting worse. What would you recommend?