I have cancer and am currently going through treatment. Is it safe for me to exercise?

Is cracking your back or knuckles bad for you and what happens when a joint cracks?

After 6 weeks of having an anterior shoulder dislocation, would you suggest going back to lifting weights (powerlifter), and if so, is there any recommendations of lifts that I should avoid for my life?

After having a baby I sometimes leak a little when I’m exercising or if I sneeze. Will this fix itself on its own over time or is it something physio can help?

All this rainy Vancouver weather has really made it difficult for me to get outside and practice my normal excerise routine. I am tired of the treadmill and elepitical. I need some fun ideas to get my body moving during this rainy season? Any suggestions?

I fell playing dodgeball just over a week ago and hurt my ankle and heel. I have been to the hospital and they are not sure if it is fractured but they put me in a cast boot and recommended I get physio to prevent future problems with my heel. My foot movement is very limited and sore to walk on. Should I go back to a doctor or physio? I am a very active person and want to be able to get back to my activites as soon as I can.